How to Start Monetising Your Blog From Day One

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How to Start Monetising Your Blog From Day One


You don’t have to wait months or years until you start making money from your blog, in fact, I believe you should start thinking about it from day one. Let me help you!

I have already explained why there’s nothing wrong in starting a business to make money in this post. From where I stand, money isn’t evil. It’s quite the opposite- profit can make you motivated and give you a chance to grow.

You see, great leaders see money as fuel, not a destination. You need to make money in order to improve & help others. Here’s why, I highly encourage you to start thinking about monetising your blog as soon as you register one.

If you lack ideas on how this can be achieved, here are some ways you can start monetising your blog from day one:

Sponsored Content

The most common way for fashion bloggers to monetise their blogs is by getting sponsorship from brands. The way this would usually work is you’d get paid to review an item or feature clothing in your outfit posts etc. If you’re blogging regularly, you should soon start receiving e-mails from companies that are interested in working with you, but you don’t necessarily have to sit and wait for the opportunities to fall out from the sky. It’s absolutely OK to reach to brands with a proposal yourself, learn more: How to Find Brands To Work With As A Blogger.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way for a business to reward bloggers or online influencers for each visitor/sale brought by the blogger’s own marketing efforts. Basically, once someone clicks on the affiliate link and buys something from your advertised website you’ve shared- you will get commisioned.

Affiliate Marketing has been my second highest income source for the past year and it is seriously the best way to make passive income even while you sleep!

Check out Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course if you want to learn more about it! The course was created by Michelle who currently earns over $50,000 a month through affiliate marketing, and she shares all of the best tips in this course. In this course, there are 6 modules, over 30 lessons, over 20 worksheets, bonuses, an extremely helpful exclusive Facebook group, and more, and she goes through everything when it comes to affiliate marketing. I was so happy to have found this course and learn from a real expert!

If you’re looking for fashion based affiliate marketing programs to join, Shop Style Collective and Reward Style are currently the most popular ones to use. They both seem pretty similar- you get to choose fashion items that you want to feature and you can then embed them over widgets or links. However, the way these two platforms pay you are actually pretty different.

In short, RewardStyle pays a commission based on every purchase that originates from your blog, whereas ShopStyle pays on a per click basis. Which basically means, RewardStyle only pays you once someone actually buys using one of your links while with ShopStyle, you will make money anytime someone clicks any ShopStyle links on your site.

Which one should I go with then? I’d say if you’re a beginner blogger- go with ShopStyle and start earning little extra income from day one. However, if you’re experienced blogger and have some kind of an audience built- I’d apply for Reward Style as their commision rates are usually way higher!

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is probably one of the most common ad networks to use. Now you might not see great results at first, but with your page views growing in time, you might be able to make decent passive income this way. The best thing is- you’ll be able to choose what type of ads you want to feature on your blog. Thus, if you’re running a fashion blog, choosing fashion/beauty ad types would be very relatable and your readers wouldn’t be bothered by flashy ads that do not have anything to do with your content.

Other Ad Networks

If you don’t feel like using Google Adsense is for you, there are plenty of other profitable ad networks for you to choose from. Just do your research, get in touch with networks’ representatives and find your match. Working with smaller ad networks can actually bring you more profit as you might be able to arrange a personalised commision rate just for you!

Social Media

Monetising your social media is extremely powerful. You can charge brands less for a quick insta-stories mention or include your affiliate links into your tweets. Make sure to avoid spamming your feeds too much tho & don’t forget to be transparent about your sponsored content. Your social media followers have the right to know which posts were sponsored, but it doesn’t mean they will be disappointed in you! We all have to make a living, right?

Sell Your Own Products/Services

What about creating your own fashion brand? I know, I know it might sound scary, but it doesn’t have to be anything huge for the beginning. Perhaps offering something simple as t-shirts or totes with your own designs would be just what your audience is looking for! It might even grow into more products in the future, who knows!

Alternatively, you can always offer your own services- no matter the niche you’re in. Maybe you’re tech savyy and could benefit other people from offering your Virtual Assistant services? The sky really has no limits here and I bet you definitely have some talents you can offer!

Hope this gives you an idea! Let me know if you’re currently working hard on monetising your blog, I would be thrilled to look at what you’re working on! x

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Author: admin