20 Ways to Improve YOU This Summer

lifestyle, Think Pieces

20 Ways to Improve YOU This Summer


Summer is undoubtedly my favorite season. It brings all the best energy & intentions back to our lives. I also feel that summer can be a great season to actually work on figuring out what brings joy to us and what habits we can work on in order to feel even better.

Here are 20 ways to improve YOU this summer:

  1. Get lost in a good book.⁠
  2. Catch up with your favorite podcasts while lying on the beach⁠
  3. Start journaling.⁠
  4. Have a conversation with yourself. What would make you more fulfilled, happy, and satisfied? Take your notebook and answer these questions. Then, make an action plan ⁠
    & work on it this summer.⁠
  5. Offer your help at the company or organization you love.⁠
  6. Find a way to thank people that support you.⁠
  7. Take a vacation from social media⁠
  8. Start exercising. Summer is the best for this.⁠
  9. Smile more.⁠
  10. Train your positive mindset. Avoid spreading any negative information for at least a week. ⁠
  11. Get inspired. Host a party with your friends & ask everyone to share their favorite TED talk.⁠
  12. Learn something new, just because.⁠
  13. Go skinny dipping. Take a moment to appreciate your body as it is.⁠
  14. Find a way to express yourself. Start a blog to share your thoughts and opinions with the world. ⁠
  15. Replace a bad habit with a good one.⁠
  16. Evaluate your friendships.⁠
  17. Root for others to win. If you spread positive energy to others, it ultimately affects how you feel about yourself. Negativity breeds negativity.⁠
  18. Listen to your inner voice and find out what YOU want. It’s OK to not visit another family gathering if you prefer spending some time alone in nature.⁠
  19. Try something that scares you.⁠
  20. Treat yo’ self. How often do you do this? Probably not very. It doesn’t have to be extravagant – but, take a day for you and only you. Do the things you enjoy, whether it’s sleeping in, having your favorite foods, watching your favorite movies or just enjoying the company of your cat. Whatever you want to do, for an entire day, do it.⁠

Let me know how many you are willing to try this summer!

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Author: admin