12 Ways to Support Women in Business That You Must Be Doing On A Daily Bases

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12 Ways to Support Women in Business That You Must Be Doing On A Daily Bases


When women support each other, incredible things happen.
Did you know October is Women in Small Business Month? Celebrate by lifting women in business up!⁠⠀

12 Ways to Support Women in Business

  1. Now this one is as simple as it gets- buy from female-owned businesses.
  2. Celebrate women’s victories. Women often work twice as hard to get to where they need to be, they deserve your cheers!
  3. Stand up for others. If you ever see a woman being mistreated at a workplace – stand up for her, break the silence, do not just walk by.
  4. Stop the gossip. Don’t ever just write off a woman’s success because ‘she probably has a rich husband’. The next time you hear a conversation like this starting around you – stop it.
  5. Learn to listen. Don’t just assume you need to give advice on how she needs to do things. If she needs your advice, she will ask for it.
  6. Mentor. If you’re a fellow woman in business – help others out: share your story, provide guidance to your community. This can go a long way.
  7. Pass along opportunities. Next time you are too busy to take that client, pass them along to another gal.
  8. Give credit on social media. Always.
  9. When you admire another woman – tell her.
  10. Encourage women to go for their dreams. Share your secrets. The more women start their own businesses – the better!
  11. Don’t ever devalue your own work. If you are a woman in business – you represent all of us. Treat yourself with respect and kindness.
  12. Avoid businesses that promote women’s insecurities at all costs.

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Author: admin